ALTHOUGH economic activity has just been declared as fully functional this week, some undertakings including initiation school activities, tourism functions and certain segments of entertainment were already operating in full swing. What Cabinet did was merely declare them open, officially.
Aug. 25, 2022
2 min read
Majoro fails to contain the pandemic
Prime Minister Dr Moeketsi Majoro
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Scores of Basotho, especially young men have in the past months been undergoing the cultural initiation process, disregarding the COVID-19 protocols that were in place.
In the streets of the capital Maseru and other urban districts, revelers were enjoying the night life that our country has to offer, that also goes for the night ladies whose trade never ceased even at the height of the pandemic that has so far consumed millions of lives across the globe.
The point driven at here is that the Majoro administration failed dismally to arrest the bedlam caused by the pandemic, thus leaving a colossal question mark with regards to its abilities in dealing with any hostile situation.
Perhaps the argument would be that in recent times, few if no cases at all were being recorded or reported. But the issue is, the government should have remained true to its commitment in its strive to eliminate the virus among the population.
That would definitely have sent a strong but clear message to the general public and the local business community that government was not taking any chances towards combatting the pandemic.
But to add salt to injury, the government permitted political parties to hold massive rallies in preparation for the upcoming general elections billed for October 7.
This untoward move on the part of government paints a bleak picture and divulges the true colours of those entrusted to lead our country.
Majoro confidently noted on Monday night that in spite of all the reckless behavior portrayed in the past months, the country was ready to lift all COVID-19 restrictions.
A decision, he without doubt arrived at through the counsel he received in Parliament.
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But what remains true is his government has not done enough to rid the country of the deadly virus and his decision was way too premature.
The textile and apparel industry has been one of the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in thousands of workers, particularly women, losing their jobs. The sector was also affected by disruptions in international value chains, which later resulted in a number of big firms being forced to shut down.
This was indeed a major miscarriage in our economic development efforts, taking into account how much the sector contributes towards the country’s GDP and job creation.
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